This semester has been great so far. The time spent in the 4th grade classroom is surly
going to be beneficial. It will help us with the writting and learning process that 4th grader's go through.
It will also aid in developing our own classroom managment styles. This has been and will continue to be a great
The book groups/literature circles have been OK. It seems that we have been neglecting
this aspect of the class for the last few weeks. I did notice that we are planning on working on this
in upcoming classes though. Literature circles are a wonderful tool that we as future teachers will be able
to use effectively due to the practice that we receive in this course and others.
I really enjoyed the Story Telling Festival. Story telling is something that is universal
and can reach all cultures. This is a fantastic resource that we have in this area. I was a bit aprehensive about
going, but had a great time and am glad that I attended.